America Lost Needing to Find the Way

Independents For Integrity
5 min readOct 24, 2020

“Enter NOT into the path of the wicked, and go NOT in the way of evil men. AVOID IT, pass not by it, TURN FROM IT, and pass away.” — — Proverbs 4:14–15

Because food is scarce, the poor will see rotten fruit, vegetables and even meat, cut off the bad part and eat the good part. It is because they can’t afford to throw away food or picked it out of the garbage. Most often it will make them sick and some will die.

This is how we handle politics! We can clearly see there’s great problems with our political parties and candidates, but we try to ignore the bad part and focus on what we deem is good rather than throwing the WHOLE thing out!

I submit to you, clearly thinking people KNOW, when evil/wrongdoing goes left unchecked, twisted/massaged to look like it’s okay, it grows and like cancer it DESTROYS EVERYTHING around it! Thus, we have the current state of the union. CLEARLY THINKING AND HONEST people would say, it’s time to turn back for there’s danger ahead.

The Devil has convinced God’s people to work for him, help the undeserving get jobs just so they can take away from the people to lend to the Enemy’s plan. It has become a cultural phenomenon! WE MUST STOP so we can safeguard our children and communities. It should be an all or nothing game when it comes to integrity and NOT thinking we have to choose between evil and evil! Jesus would never partner with evil rather He would BIND it. This is what we must do as well.

Problematic Signs with Candidates:


· In matter of months has turned from moderate to progressive. Did not democratic voters say NO to the progressive agenda?

· Biden’s net worth is now $16.7M. I recall hearing Barack Obama say he had to loan money to Biden when he was in office late in his term. Hmmm🤔How did he make so much money? I don’t think he’s in high demand on the speaking circuit. This kind of thing happens a lot on both sides of the aisle and it’s HIGHLY problematic.

· Joe’s son is being accused of fraud using his father’s connections. It hasn’t been 100% proven yet but it’s truly not out of the question given son’s past and Joe’s sudden leap into great wealth.

· They’re planning to legalize marijuana (with kickbacks for candidates I’m sure) and turn America into a socialist country. This will devastate minority communities more than what exists! Socialist agenda and drug infested communities DOES NOT make for a thriving community and the country will lose SUPERPOWER status then Putin and China will capitalize on these things and the US will suffer. These things just don’t mix. Drug infested low producing communities struggle and die. That’s why the ghetto is the ghetto!


· Has questionable dealings too and LOTS of debt allegedly to foreign entities, some of them Russian oligarchy. When loan sharks lend money, they want their money back and will do terrible things to loan recipients if money not paid back not to mention will be able to blackmail them for life. This places Trump in compromising position and lends reason to why He speaks to Putin, US enemy, more than any of our allies and takes his direction! That has never happened far as I know and is tremendously troubling given prophecy.

· Continually lies about stuff we don’t even care about then surely; he will lie about pertinent information we do care about.

· Has fumbled the handling of COVID19 pandemic worse than what a child would do. Either there’s hidden agenda why he’s done this or he’s not too bright and we NEED bright innovative leaders as the job of POTUS is to guide and help protect the country.

· There has never been a sitting president that would incite citizens to harm one another or that has divided the country in such a manner. UNITED we stand and DIVIDED we fall. This is probably the most troubling of all Trump’s infractions.

This list of infractions are NOT minor offenses or considerations, they are HUGE and HIGHLY problematic! Interestingly enough, Putin will gain with whomever we choose. Hmmm 🤔

Rather than constantly be manipulated into thinking we don’t have a choice, it’s time, WE THE PEOPLE, stand up and say ENOUGH! Turn back and start over come 2022/2024 by electing those who have INTEGRITY and are independent of their parties or independents period…whose ambition is to SERVE THE PEOPLE and NOT leech off them. These things have gone on for DECADES and we MUST STOP IT NOW before too late!

The cost of continuing down this road is TOO GREAT and the American people’s lives depend on whether we choose to face Truth or continue to live in a culture where politicians have you serve THEM vs them serving US. TOGETHER we can change these things!

Let’s create lame duck presidency by voting Biden for POTUS and GOP for house/senate. We then can start to choose more innovative leaders at the local level to solve problems. MOSTLY let’s trust God everything will be okay. We’ve been through worse and together we can turn this ship around. My theory is we may actually get more done because these politicians will all come to know we’re on to them and the POWER is back in THE PEOPLE’S hands as citizens thus they will more likely be willing to work across the aisle.

Having a Democratic POTUS plus house/senate will be EXTREMELY DEVASTATING to the country for many reasons thus is SHOULD NOT be an option. Because of Trump poor leadership, Putin connection and handling of the pandemic is why we should choose Joe Biden for POTUS and we will BIND his hands from doing harm to the US with GOP house/senate.

PLEASE consider, our very lives depend on it! Time to WAKE UP AND CHANGE!



Independents For Integrity

Working TOGETHER TO UNITE the country! Where INTEGRITY is the gold standard. One party and nation under God, with liberty and justice for all! Let's collaborate